ClimateAi Leadership Presents on Climate Change and Seasonal Forecasting at AGU and NeurIPS
Last year, ClimateAi participated in two research conferences: the American Geophysical Union (AGU) Fall Meeting and the Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS) Workshop on Tackling Climate Change with Artificial Intelligence.
At AGU, our team had three presentations:
- Our AI Engineer, Ankur Mahesh, gave an hour long lesson on the fundamentals of using machine learning for tackling climate change. Try it yourself: check out his tutorial (and solutions)!
- Ankur and Max Evans, our cofounder, presented on forecasting El Nino using neural networks. Read about the interpretability of our method.
- Dr. Patrick Brown, our innovation lead, presented on forecasting seasonal extreme temperature
We also presented our work on using neural networks to forecast El Nino at the NeurIPS workshop. Read the paper here!